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The Upper Ring

The Upper Ring is the least populous of the Rings, as expected of the wealthiest and most restricted ring of the three. With some of the highest quality stores and restaurants being a draw, the Upper Ring also has the palace, the noble quarter, and the house for the royal guard. In order to enter the Upper Ring, you must be invited, pay a fee, or have a visa that allows you to live or visit there.

The Royal Palace
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The Middle Ring

The Middle Ring is the second most populous of the Rings. The Middle Ring consists of everything you can think of, such as shops, restaurants, the theater, parks, and other forms of entertainment. This is the area that travelers and tourists will likely gather since this is where the safest inns and taverns are also located, but they're also a bit more expensive. Other attractions and points of interest are the churches, such as the Cathedral of Emyr, the barracks for the City Guard, the city prison, and the arena.

The Cathedral of Emyr, The Barracks and the Prison
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The Lower Ring

The Lower Ring is the most populous of the Rings. While some areas could be considered slums, Granhaven has always been a prosperous city, so it is not very common that someone is living in complete squaller. That does not say it doesn't happen, but it is a rare thing to see and is usually the fate for addicts, criminals, or "outsiders." The Lower Ring consists of small homes, small shops, and large families with close-knit communities. Unfortunately for some, these close-knit communities do form as gangs and other people working outside the bounds of the law. The Shrouded Hand and The Rebellion are known entities in the Lower Ring.

The Slums
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Rydian Academy

Due to its size, Rydian Academy looks like its own city, however, it is actually a massive school where students come to learn their craft. Rydian Academy is located south of the city, and is the what the Great Bridge is being connected to. Surrounding Rydian Academy are settlements and shops from people who have built up around the Academy since the Rift was formed. This is where anyone not affiliated with the churches or their deities can come to learn to hone their skills with the supernatural.

Classrooms, Training Yards
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