Tales of TelmarusLog in


Chapter One: The Wastelands

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Lotheria[/url] Lotheria is a large city, made up of multiple districts and led by a monarchy. Since The Rift formed, its citizens have referred to the two sides as North and South Lotheria. Even though they have come on hard times, Lotherians are a strong and resilient people who are determined to be the victors in the next Race for Cythrai's Heart. Many Lotherians fear the fall of their wonderful city if they lose to Fennmont for the fourth time. Citizens are blaming the formation of The Rift on their losses. If they lose again, what else will happen?

The Upper Ring, The Middle Ring, The Lower Ring, Rydian Academy
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Other Locations

This section is dedicated to role play in the Wastelands, but not within the two main cities. It is your responsibility to name the settlement that your characters are at. Threads that go here are for Nesa, Sesai, Desina, Malad, the Wilds, or any other small settlement you want to create. There are dozens of small settlements between these larger ones. They can be anything from a random farm, a camp, or a hamlet.

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