Elves Race_Elf_ToT
The Natives of Telmarus

Elves, a long-lived race capable of reaching a thousand years old, are deeply revered for their profound respect for the natural world, often looking down on those who fail to honor it. Their affinity for magic is renowned, with many elves mastering various arcane arts. Distinguished by their elongated ears, elves are also esteemed as knowledge collectors and record keepers, meticulously preserving the history and wisdom of their people and the world around them.

Culture: Elven culture is characterized by its traditional and minimalistic way of life, with elves living in small villages and towns rather than sprawling cities. They require little to survive or be entertained, finding contentment in the simplicity of their existence. Despite this simplicity, elves hold a deep-seated arrogance, viewing themselves as superior to other races, particularly humans. Magic is highly valued within their society, and those who can wield it are greatly esteemed. However, a shift is occurring as newer generations of elves show a growing inclination to integrate with other races, subtly challenging the long-held beliefs of their elders.

Elven Society

...and Humans: Thousands of years ago, Elves used ancient magic to explore the galaxy, discovering humans on their home planet. Viewing them as a pathetic but resilient race, the Elves enslaved thousands of humans after bringing them to Telmarus. For centuries, this dynamic persisted until an apocalyptic event forced the Elves to flee. Returning five hundred years later, the Elves found humans thriving independently, their numbers tenfold and now wielding magic. Attempts to re-subjugate them failed, forcing the Elves to accept human autonomy. Mature Elves still view humans as weak, unintelligent, and self-destructive, lamenting their exploitation of the planet. In contrast, younger Elves appreciate human technological advancements, often abandoning tradition for convenience.

Racial Mechanics:

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