Tales of Telmarus

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Getting Started on Tales of Telmarus

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Site Rules

Rules, guidelines, and anything else needed to understand how to easily fit in on site. It is important to read through this information. It will guide you through both the forum and discord rules and expectations. We understand that there is likely a lot in here, so we won't rush anyone in reading it all. However, after three months, it is expected.

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We allow anyone to place an ad here, as long as it adheres to the site rules and you are a member. Absolutely no explicit content is to be posted here, and will be taken down if this rule is broken. If an ad is posted, we may request our ad to be placed on your site as well. Any rejections of this will result in your ad being removed.

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The World We Live In

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World History

Tales of Telmarus is an on-going project. Histories of the world will change over time. This is where you get all the information about world, country, and city history. At the current moment, we are focusing on one major city: The Capital of Lotheria. As the site grows, so will the world we live in. Help us expand by creating characters and telling their stories!

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City: LotheriapersonSerenity View latest postaccess_timeSun Mar 31, 2024 7:13 am


Organizations, families, guilds, factions, and groups of all kinds are listed here. Want your character to join up with a specific group? This is where you go to look! Want to create a group for yourself and start recruiting? This is where you get started!

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Character Creation Center

This section is dedicated to the collection of characters we have on site. All character applications, from the approved to the denied, will be located here. Other information located here are guidelines to character creation, the skill systems, and more.

Systems and Guidelines, Work In Progress, Approved Characters, Declined Characters
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DrakaripersonSerenity View latest postaccess_timeWed Jun 05, 2024 6:50 pm

The Tales of Telmarus

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The Capital City: Granhaven

The massive ringed city of Granhaven, often called "Haven," has recently fallen to tragedy. A massive earthquake has split the city's lower ring in two, while also destroying hundreds of buildings and killing thousands more. The colossal break over the land, called "The Rift" or "The Divide," has also released hundreds of strange fiendish creatures that come out at night. With these creatures invading the city every night, people are urged to take precautions and a curfew for children, age 17 and under, has been implemented.

The City Rings, Rydian Academy
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The Wastelands

What is considered the Wastelands are all the unclaimed territories outside of the major cities. These lands are filled with monsters, mythical creatures, bandits, barbarians, highwaymen, and so many more dangers.

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Alternate Role Play Scenerios

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World Jump

Want to take your character to another world of your own idea? That's where this board comes from. Take your character to fight with Naruto or have a romance with someone in Lord of the Rings. Nothing in this board is considered canon to the site storyline.

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The Fight Board

Want to put two characters up against each other without it impacting their in-character lives? Take it to the fight board! No rules, no restrictions, nothing. Have fun! Nothing in the Fight Board impacts anything in-character on the site.

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The Site Archive

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