The World Realms World_Realms1
Another word for a "realm" is a universe...

Telmarus has three planes of existence:

Elysium is the Divine Realm, or the God’s Plane. It is inaccessible to anyone not permitted to enter, and if you are not a deity, you are one of these people. Very little is known about this far away realm, and many believe it forbidden to even speak of it, let alone enter. There are currently no known ways of entering Elysium, and no deity will reveal this secret.

Empyrea is the Spirit Realm, where the incorporeal creatures of many unique and familiar shapes and sizes reside. Also referred to as “The One World,” by its inhabitants, it is the first and original world that humankind was banished from many millennia ago. Not much is known about this world since knowledge has been lost since humankind’s banishment. However, what few histories and divine accounts that have been shared describe it as colorful, ethereal, and more beautiful than can be imagined. A few examples can be seen below:

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The Mortal Realm, also known as the Material Plane or “the Universe,” is the plane that humankind was banished to. Hundreds of unique planets exist in dozens of galaxies in this universe, but our setting only focuses on one: Telmarus. The planet of Telmarus is expansive, covered in flourishing forests, vast valleys, and monstrous mountains. Humankind is the only known advanced species, though many other intelligent species, capable of complex thought and speech do wander the planet. (See both races and the bestiary for these.)

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